Gold Star project: icons and banners
I had promised Tanni pretties as a reward for working on her thesis and I went a little wild making random icons and banners. If you have also been a good boy or girl, you are of course free to take a reward as well;-)
(Click for bigger version)
01. 02.
04. 05.
07. 08.
(Click for bigger version;)
Banner 1: scene and quote from CSI episode S7-17 (it's canon, people!;)
01. is a manip from CSI-S7 episodes
02. is a screenshot from Scrubs
03. is a quote from Tanni
Bases of 04.+07. are from pictures in my archive without a source. (resp. model with chocolate and angel at GayPride) If you need credit, or if you want the original, let me know;)
05. + 06. are shots and quotes from popquiz Never Mind The Buzzcocks, you can watch the episode here: part 1, part 2, part 3
08.+09. The Rocky Horror Picture Show has many many inspirational quotes, more icons will no doubt follow in the future;)
Banner 2: female body is Selma Hayek, male body is from unknown model;) Yours? Let me know;)
Comments are always appreciated.